Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mangosteen Fruit

The fruit has been used in countless folk remedies in Malaysia for centuries, and its juice has become quite popular in both Malaysia and the rest of the world recently, due both to its taste and its health benefits.

Known as the "Queen of Fruits" in Malaysia, the cool and sweet taste of the fruit is felt to complement and calm the "heated" flavour of the infamous durian, the "King of Fruits". The fruit's regal connections don't end with its nickname, though. A legend which has followed the fruit for decades claims that Queen Victoria herself was so taken with the taste of the fruit that she offered a knighthood to anyone who could deliver a ripe mangosteen to Buckingham Palace!

Since the mangosteen requires a climate that can only be found within a few degrees of the equator, the Queen never got her wish, but that doesn't mean you can't treat yourself to the fruit fit for a queen during your trip to Malaysia!

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